Friday, July 19, 2013

First Post

Hello! This is our first actual post on this blog. We wanted to tell you a little bit about ourselves. We are identical twins who are really interested in helping people better their lives through healthy eating and fitness. Juliane is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, fitness instructor and dance teacher. She has earned several fitness, dance and physique awards and qualified for the Boston Marathon! Jessica is a 4th grade teacher and a client of Juliane's. She went from post baby to fiercely fit in under a year with Juliane's guidance.
We thrive on making fitness and clean eating our lifestyle. We hope to rub off on you as you read our blog. Burn fat, get fit and feel great through reading our blog and following our lifestyle... And to make it more fun, find a twin (or good friend) to join you in your journey to a better you!


  1. Hey Jes and Jul! How do you find all of your clean food recipes! Went to a book store looking for a recipe/cook book, but I didn't see anything like that.

    1. Hey Jeni,
      Not up yet :) thanks for checking us out! We will get on that ASAP!
