Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Skinny fat vs fit

Here is a picture of Jessica's transformation. She was never "fat" rather "skinny fat" and still fit as most people would call her. The picture on the left is from spring of 2011. The pictures on the right are all recent pictures 16 months post baby. 
When she was skinny fat, she did way more cardio than she does now and ate a lot less. These days she is lifting heavy and doing 20 minute intervals about 3-4 times a week for cardio. Don't be a cardio bunny! It will get you nowhere because your body will get used to all that cardio and you'll keep having to do more and more to compensate and to speed up your metabolism. Instead, lift heavy. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism is because your body has to work that much harder to feed your muscles. Also, in case anyone is wondering about weight, in the left picture she was 10 lbs heavier and on a constant diet. Now she eats clean and when she started really lifting heavy, she lost 10 lbs without even trying! The point is- get lifting! Endless hours of cardio does not get your heart rate up enough! Heavy lifting and intervals are the way to go!

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