Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mirror Image

Since our blog is also about being twins, we thought we should write our first twin post today and also tie it in to fitness! An interesting fact about us is that we are mirror image identical twins...

If you are mirror image twins it means that you are also identical twins. Mirror image twins are created when the fertilized egg splits quite late (around days 9-12), any later and twins can be co-joined.
Mirror image twins have small mirror image differences but are actually genetically identical; this means you have the exact same DNA!
Some parts of the body are commonly mirrored; mirroring of appendix or heart or other internal organs is rare. We have some examples of our own mirroring: 
  • We are opposite handed (Jes is left, Jul is right)
  • We tend to have mirror image dental problems (cavities on opposite sides of our mouths)
  • Our hair naturally parts on opposite sides
  • Jul's left leg is more flexible and Jes' right leg is more flexible which was great for our dance duos!
  • With our pirouettes in dance, Jul is better left and Jes is right.
  • Jul has moles (beauty marks) on the right side of her face and Jes has them on the left.
Also, growing up Jes was really quiet and Jul would always speak for her. We don't seem to experience mirror image interests. Instead, we have very similar interests and skill levels. We both work with children, love dance and of course all things related to fitness and healthy eating. One more opposite though... Jes is a Penn State grad and Jul is a Temple University alumni!! PA rivals! But we've always been each others best friends!

 Our mom says we were easy babies because we would always sit back to back and play together. Juliane's favorite color has always been purple and Jessica's is pink. 


So how does this relate to fitness...well, it's always great to have a workout partner that is of similar ability to you. If you find a workout partner that can lift the same weight and has the same goals in mind, you can really push each other. Although we don't get to workout together often, due to the fact that we live five hours away, we always have great workouts when we can get to the gym together. We also keep each other on track through daily texts, emails and phone calls. Try to find a friend that supports your fit lifestyle and your journey will be a lot smoother. And also... you may not have a mirror image twin, but use the mirrors when your at the gym to check your form! That's what they are for.

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