What to cut out of your diet in the days leading up to a big event, like a photo shoot, to look shredded!
In the five days leading up to a big event, there are a few things you can cut out of your diet which will really lean you out and make your muscles pop. These aren't necessarily junk foods, which you shouldn't be eating anyway, but rather foods that bloat you and stick to your muscles making you look softer and less defined. This isn't something we recommend doing on a regular basis, but here are our top 5 food items to cut out before the big day.
1. Dairy, including whey and casein based protein powders, dairy sticks to your muscles taking away definition.
2. Fibrous veggies, these will bloat your stomach.
3. Artificial sweetener's, including sugar free chewing gum, your body
cannot digest these properly causing bloating and gas.
4. Complex carbs...stick to simple carbs and only pre and post workout which are easier digested and will go straight to restoring glycogen in your muscles.
5. Fruit, any extra sugars, even from fruit, at this time aren't needed as you try to lean out.
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