Friday, September 20, 2013

Saturday Shred Secret

Today's Saturday Shred Secret is:

eat EGGS everyday... here's why!

Eggs are the only non-meat food that contain a complete amino acid protein profile aiding in lean muscle growth and recovery! More muscle=less fat! They are great at any meal but especially before bed because the slower digesting protein helps keep your muscles fueled and satiated during your overnight fast. When you eat eggs in the morning, they help keep you full longer so you are less likely to hit the vending machine at work. Additionally, the yolk of an egg is a healthy fat which helps to trim belly fat! Eggs are also a nutrient dense food packed with vitamins the body needs. If you don't like the taste, try egg protein powder. I use egg protein powder mixed with whey in my recovery shakes.
Don't forget you get a healthy dose of eggs in our low carb protein pancakes too!!
Also in Jes' Italian ice recipe. Both recipes were previous posts. 
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