Monday, October 7, 2013

Motivation Monday

1.Most people have a hard time turning their brain off from work when working out. "When we’re doing an exercise—like alternating lunges—I forget what position I just did. So then I end up doing three lunges on my left leg," said someone I saw today while on vacation in philly at the gym. The gym should be a place for you to go and work off the aggression of the day- not be thinking about it. 

2. Have a plan!
If you go into the gym without a plan you will wonder around aimlessly. If you're serious about weight training, then you should make a plan in order to hit each muscle group on a weekly basis. Or if there is a particular muscle group you are specifically working on to build up, you should consider that when you are planning your workouts for the week. 

3. If you make a plan you are also less likely to skip the gym that day because screwing up your plan would mean having to rewrite your plan. When I (Jessica) write my plan for the week, I always consider other factors in my day, such as the amount of work I have in other areas of my life. Baby, work, housework, food prep. Then, I usually do my HIIT on the days I have more time or concentrate on a particular muscle group I'm trying to build up. Right now it's my booty :) 

4. Finally, plan a time to bring a new gym buddy to the gym. Today my husband came with me for the first time in over a year!  You will surprise yourself, if you feel like you're in a rut and you help someone who has never lifted weights before. You will have a new sense of how strong you really are!  

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