Today I (Juliane) did some arms training with a focus on biceps. Whenever I do arm training I incorporate full body exercises, like push ups and chin ups, and even kettle bell swings. This makes the workout more functional instead of just doing a bunch of bicep curls. It also helps to pre-exhaust the arms which really fatigues the muscle. I also like to end with dropsets and a burnout on resistance bands. Here is a sample workout:
Circuit style training (to burn fat and build muscle) 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps-choose a weight that is challenging for you!
Chin ups (assisted if needed)
Rope attachment push downs
Hammer curls with a twist
Kettle bell swings
Tricep push ups (arms close to body)
Rope attachment curls
Tricep kick backs on pulley machine
Kettle bell swings
TRX rows underhand grip
Tricep reverse push downs with underhand grip
Cable cross chest curls
Kettlebells swings
Drop set on tricep press down machine
Resistance band curls to failure
That should give you a great pump for sure!!
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