Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Women Should Supplement With Creatine

Creatine is a popular supplement with men, but creatine is very beneficial for women. I (Juliane) have been supplementing with creatine for over a year, and have made more strength and lean body mass gains in the that time period, than the first 10 years I lifted weights. The body makes creatine naturally. It is also found in a lot of red meats. But if you don't eat a lot of steak, then you need to get the creatine you are using up by training hard from supplementation. 
Here are some interesting facts I read in an article from Oxygen Magazine about the benefits of creatine for women.
Creatine works differently in women than in men. Surprisingly, we can get the all the muscle-building benefits without adding body fat. When you take creatine, it allows you to train at a higher intensity and a higher volume. That is why numerous studies have shown that creatine increases muscular strength, power and lean muscle mass. When a muscle cell has more creatine, each contraction can be more forceful, and you can do more work before the muscle fatigues.

The benefits are not only strength-related, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Researchers at the University of Oklahoma at Norman separated participants into three groups: creatine, placebo and control. The creatine and placebo groups did four weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Unexpectedly, they found that creatine improved anaerobic threshold by 16 percent, versus the 10 percent bump experienced by the placebo group. In other words, creatine can help runners or cyclists improve their race times, and weight lifters push out a few more reps at their heaviest weights. 

Studies show that creatine benefits are greater in women than in men; and unlike men, women do not gain weight from creatine supplementation. One theory is that women have naturally higher levels of creatine than men. Creatine also has an antioxidant effect that reduces muscle damage, improves recovery and preserves lean muscle. Additionally, creatine has no hormonal effect.
You can buy creatine in pill, powder or liquid. Just make sure you get creatine monohydrate. There is no need for a "loading phase." Most women will find great results on about five grams daily of creatine monohydrate.
I've tried a variety of creatine supplements (shown below). Currently, I prefer to mix the powdered form, by Cellucor, in my post workout recover drink.
Questions: email Juliane Visit our website at for online personal training and nutrition.

A Sweet Breakfast Recipe

Breakfast isn't boring! Make it sweet with this simple and quick recipe. And of course it's healthy and clean. 

Heart healthy breakfast that will keep you energized and great for muscle growth. Eggs are slow digesting so they keep you fuller longer! Jes made this for our brother while he was visiting her. 
The egg white omelets each have a cup of egg whites with salt and pepper with mushrooms. Eggs are so simple to make and taste great! You can put any vegetable in them. 
The sweet potatoes were cut into cubes and then microwaved for 3 minutes. After they were microwaved they were put in a pan along with a serving of pb2 (google it-it's the best thing next to peanut butter.) Also, a dash of cinnamon. Fry sweet potatoes to your liking. When I say fry, I don't mean fried in tons of fatty oil. I mean they were simply put in a pan w a little water and pb2. Frying things doesn't always make it bad for you! It depends what you are using to fry whatever's in the pan. I just used water and pb2. Mmmm this is one good sweet tator recipe!

Friday, August 30, 2013

BMI, Telling the Wrong Story?

Thin is good and fat is bad...right? Well according to BMI (Body Mass Index) charts this is correct. That's why using general guidelines for BMI is NOT telling the whole story, and in some cases it's telling the wrong story. A person who is muscular can easily have a BMI reading in the obese category. This is because BMI is a simple measurement, invented long ago and never changed, that only accounts for your weight and height. What's missing in this equations...  MUSCLE! Muscles are good, NO... muscles are GREAT! You want muscles to help burn body fat which means you will be comprised of lean body mass rather than fat, or simply skin and bone. We use the term "skinny fat." Tons of people come into the gym to have their lean body mass read. Although they have just been to the doctor, and their BMI is "ideal," their body fat is in the 30 percent range. Then they get this confused look on their face. I (Juliane) say, "Do you lift weights?" Usual response, "no but I run on the treadmill for an hour every day." Well there's the number one problem. Without lifting weights or doing some type of resistance training, you can never build muscles to have a lean body mass. This means you can be thin, but still have a high body fat and be unhealthy. Yet another awesome reason to hit the weights. I highly suggest you stop using the BMI chart to base your health, and get your body fat percentage calculated. Most gyms offer this service for free. Below is a chart of general body fat percentages. Sorry ladies... men genetically have a lower body fat.

The Futrex (shown above) is what I use to give body fat percentage readings. It's simple yet very accurate. Below is a body fat percentage reader that I have at home. It's not quite as accurate as the Futrex but it gets the job done.
Visit our website to find out how you can get lean!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Shredded Shoulders and Cut Up Core Workout

Try the workout below for some shredded shoulders and a cut up core... email Juliane with any questions or visit our website @

Check out Jes' shoulders before and after Juliane got a hold of her training...fierce!

Increasing intervals at 1% incline on treadmill (increase speed with each working interval)
warm up 2-3 minutes
run for 1 minute
recover for 1 minute
repeat until you get to 20 minutes
cool down 2-3 minutes

3 sets of each of the following circuits 8-12 reps (use a weight that is challenging for you!)

Smith machine shoulder press sitting on a bench, push up fast and come down slowly
Barbell front raise, swing up and slow down
Leg raises on bench under smith machine, toes to bar

Upright row with barbell, fast up and slow down
Side lateral raises on pulley machine leaning outward to add resistance to working arm, fast up and Slow down
Stability ball crunch with medicine ball extended above your head

Front raises with rope attachment on pulley machine, raise rope up then pull open to sides and lower
Rotator cuff butterflies with dumbbells
Pikes on stability ball and add in a push up when your hips are at the top if your feeling adventurous!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Snack on Fat to Burn FAT

We both used to love snacking on pretzels. Next time you go grab a snack bag of pretzels look at the nutrition label. Pretzels contain sugar and are full of empty calories. Nuts are the perfect snack. Our favorites are almonds and unsalted pistachios. Nuts, which are high in fat, do not make you fat- sugar does. This is the reason obesity rates climbed during the fat free craze of the 90s. Companies took out the fat and added in sugar! Your body needs good fats to function properly and stay satiated. A balanced meal should always contain some sort of healthy fat. We like to eat pistachios with dinner Mmmm...While it seems counterintuitive, eating certain types of fat can help your body burn fat.  Monounsaturated fatty acids, burn belly fat, lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of certain diseases.
Nuts contain high levels of monounsaturated fat, which makes them a healthy snack or addition to a meal. The FDA recommends choosing nuts high in monounsaturated fat and low in saturated fat to reap the benefits.

People usually eat nuts on their own, or by the handful, which can be a dangerous practice. Keep portions small and avoid mindless eating:

  • Pre-portion nuts in small bags -- a great snack to take on the go or to the office.
  • Choose nuts in the shell; you will probably eat fewer since it takes time to crack them.
  • Take a handful and put the package away before you start munching.
  • Sprinkle nuts on a soup or salad instead of croutons or cheese.
  • Snack on nuts instead of pretzels or chips.
  • Top yogurt with nuts instead of granola. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Why You Need Carbs To Burn Fat!

Don't cut the carbs... time them correctly to burn that fat! Muscles need carbs after a workout to replenish energy stores and prevent further muscle breakdown. Carbs post workout stimulate an insulin response that shuttle nutrients into your muscle cells, causing them to grow. These starchy foods replenish glycogen stores that fuel your muscles and make you feel good and energized. Carbs are an important as part of a healthy diet. Another thing to keep in mind, if you are not on a weight cutting phase, you want simple carbs such as rice cakes in that post workout window. The simple sugars go straight to your muscles helping them to grow! The rest of the day stick with carbs like oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Fruits and veggies have lots of healthy carbs too. So if you eat a huge plate of yellow squash you are getting in tons of nutrients while replenishing those glycogen stores and building lean muscle. Remember the more muscle you have the faster your metabolism gets. Gone are the days of no carb dieting. Timing is key! Knowing when to eat your carbs will help you in your fat loss and muscle building journeys!

Metabolic Back Attack in the Park

No time to workout?! How many times have you heard this excuse? Take every opportunity and work with it to your advantage. This workout will take you 20 minutes while your kids are playing on the playground. It works your back, biceps and legs, and gets your heart pumping too! 20 minutes is long enough to boost your metabolic rate if you are working hard enough! So set a timer for 20 minutes and pump up Pandora and get moving.

Find any type of ladder or rings at various levels on the playground. 
Secure your resistance bands. 
You can use one band or as many as you have. 

Start the timer!

Do 15-20 rows on a low ring
15-20 rows on a medium ring
15-20 rows on a high ring
(change your grip too, underhand, parallel, and overhand)
Perform 15-20 body weight squats
Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute

Keep repeating the entire circuit until 20 minutes is up!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Active Rest

If you wake up extremely sore from a hard workout, then congrats you worked your butt off! Remember that soreness is a sign that you need to rest that particular muscle. Your muscles grow and recover when you are out of the gym. You need to get quality protein and sleep in order for your muscles to repair and grow properly. Rest is very important, but I (Juliane) don't mean sit around and watch a Kardashian Marathon on E! I prefer active rest. Great ideas for active rest include bicycle riding, swimming some easy laps, walking, or even playing a round of catch with your kids. The idea is to get your heart rate up, but not to the point that your breathing heavy. Just think of it as a leisure activity. The blood flow to the muscles helps ease the soreness. This is also a great time to STRETCH or even hit the sauna!! I try to include an active rest day at least once a week, but beginners should have at least two days a week. You can plan out your active rest days or just take one when your body tells you its time.

Here's a picture of my active rest day. My husband and I went for an easy bicycle ride during our last day at the beach. Some how we managed to pick a week that was rainy and gloomy everyday but one, but we made the most of it!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Questionnaire for Personal Training and Nutrition Clients

Just because summer is coming to a close doesn't mean your fitness goals should come to an end! Start fresh this fall by becoming an online client of "Twinspiration Fitness" and wow everyone this spring as the weather warms up and you lose the sweater. Simply fill out these questions to get started... $50 every four weeks...

Questionnaire for Personal Training/Nutrition Clients


Contact information: (phone, email)




Current weight:

Goal weight:

Body goal: (EX: lose fat, gain muscle, gain weight, lose belly)

Fitness goal: (EX: run a half-marathon, add muscle)

Health goal: (EX: lower cholesterol)

Are you on a specific time frame? (EX: I have a wedding in October)

Current workout plan:

Hours/Days you can commit to workout plan:

Time of day you usually workout:

Where do you work out (gym or home) and if at home do you have access to equipment and what kind?

Food Allergies or foods you refuse to eat:

Do you have access to a kitchen?

Are you willing to cook or do you want food that is easy to pack?

How many meals a day can you eat based on your schedule? (I suggest anywhere from 4 to 7 per day)

Anything else I will need to know when making your workout or nutrition plan?

Don't you want to be a lean, mean fat burning machine!?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Seafood is the Perfect "Out To Dinner" Choice

So last night I (Juliane) splurged! We went to an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet! Mmmmmmmmm. But here's the thing, it wasn't really a bad splurge because it was mostly seafood. If you're going to a buffet, make sure to fill up on the seafood first so you don't have room for the not-so-healthy options. It's a great source of protein, low in calories and high in quality heart healthy Omega-3 fatty acids! Some of my favorite choices are shown below...  I also love lobster and tuna. Just be sure to chose the options that aren't drenched in a "sauce," or soaked in heavy butter. Try to get seafood in your diet at least twice a week. Scientific research consistently suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids found in some fish and seafood provide tremendous health benefits, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and dementia, to boosting mood and brain development in young children. Omega-3s play a vital role in cell development and growth. Since our bodies cannot make these essential fatty acids, we must get them from our diet.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Low Cal Dieting and Excessive Cardio is a NO GO!!

We don't diet! We eat healthy and watch what we eat 90% of the time. Then there are this treat meals or refeed days ( if you're not sure of what this is please contact Juliane). We don't count calories (unless trying to lose weight) and we refuse to go on low calorie diets. If your health is important to you and you refuse to be in a low calorie - cardio twice a day rut, then you need to do reverse dieting and get off the cardio- low cal train! Pretty sad the things some people will do to get lean and ripped! The answer is to lift heavy! Muscle burns fat and speeds up your metabolism! Health is wealth- so eat clean, lift heavy and do some HIIT!
Muscles and proper nutrition is the answer! Remember it's 80% nutrition and 20% get your butt to the gym and your heart rate up! :) Well, it's really 100% dedication to your body! Contact Juliane for nutrition and personal training information. 

Don't Pass Up The Gym On Vacation...

I've (Juliane) been on vacation for four days and have managed to visit four different gyms. Two different gyms at Sea Colony (where we are staying), World Gym in Behthany Beach, and Energy Gym in Delaware. All of the gyms were within a 20 minute drive. Before I leave I always check out the hotel gym to see what they offer. I also bring along my trusty resistance bands to add into the workout. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you can't scope out the gyms in the area... and sometimes for FREE. Most gyms let you in free (or a low trial cost) for the first time. If it's a popular vacation spot they usually have week long passes at a cheap price. Schedule the workout in your day so you can feel better indulging in those vacation treats! Make it quality time with your spouse. My husband and I worked out together today (on his birthday) which we don't always get the chance to do with our busy schedules at home. Don't be intimidated by any gyms or people there. Most people in the fitness industry are very willing to help you if you have questions. Its also a great time to change up your workout from your usual routine. One point to remember is that different brands of equipment may feel different and you can't always judge a weight by the actual number. Some older equipment will feel a lot heavier than newer ones. Also sometimes weight is listed in KG instead of LBS. Next time your headed on vacation get on Google and Mapquest some of the local gyms. Fill out requests for first time visits. See what they offer for a week long pass. You might get inspired and motivated by new surroundings.
My four gym passes for the week!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Dreaded Plateau

So you are cruising along on that weight loss goal and it feels great! But then, the scale stops moving downward... or even creeps back up. EEKKKSS!! This is the dreaded weight loss plateau. You see, your body is very adaptable. You give it the same food and workout day after day, and it will STOP working. Feeling frustrated? Ready to cry? I know... I've been there myself many times. Well here are a few helpful hits to keep things cruising in the right direction.
1. Change your workout. Try new techniques or take a class you've never taken before.
\2. Make sure you're eating enough! Especially protein... the essential macronutrient for building muscles. Yes the body needs food and nutrients to lose weight. Starving yourself of calories only works in the very beginning then your body holds on to everything it has to stay alive.
3. Lift heavier weights. Don't be a cardio bunny. Muscle burns fat. Muscle boosts your metabolism. Muscle is key to fat loss.
4. Try a refeed day! If you don't know what this is contact me for nutrition information. If you've been on a weight loss plan for a few months, it's time to incorporate refeeds.
5. Make sure you're getting enough sleep. Aim for 7 hours a night. When you're tired your body craves sugar and you may be eating a lot more than you think because you're too tired to remember.
6. Drink as much water as you can. Water, not diet soda, not sugary iced tea... WATER.... aim for at least 1 gallon a day. Water flushes the bad toxins out of your body.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Twinspiration Fitness Website is Up!

Check us out on the web....
So me (Juliane) and my husband are on vacation, which gave me the perfect amount of free time to set up our Twinspiration Fitness website. The address is
If you are interested in personal training and nutrition click on the link that says "rates and services." All of the options are listed there.

The bottom picture is of me unloading the car to get to the room. My husband thought it would be funny if he loaded as many bags on me as possible. He knows I hate making more than one trip! A very positive result of lifting heavy weights is carrying as many bags as possible at one time:) Anyway check out our website... it's just in the beginning stages now but it will be updated often. Thanks for the support everyone!
And I had to share this picture of my beautiful niece, Luciana. Jessica and Lulu came to visit us at Bethany Beach and she loved being pushed in the luggage cart! She has that "look" on her face like she is up to no good...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Clean Italian ice recipe!

Looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth!? Here is a great recipe for clean Italian ice! It's so easy to eat clean desserts. They're fun to make and good for you! You can make a lot of desserts clean by changing up some of the ingredients. Substituting stevia ( an all natural sugar) for regular sugar will be the number one change in most clean desserts that you and your whole family will thank you for because you won't feel so guilty after that clean dessert is in your tummy! Jessica's baby loves this recipe as it is very tasty and good for a teething baby! 
Clean vanilla/peanut butter Italian ice:
A lot of our recipes require a blender. We use the Ninja!
In ninja put all dry ingredients:
1 tbspn konjac powder ( we use this a lot to thicken our recipes) google it or get it on amazon. 
1 serving glutamine powder ( this will also thicken ice)
Cinnamon to taste
1 serving of pb2 (can be omitted if you don't like peanut butter flavor)
2 packets stevia

Wet ingredients add after dry:
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 
8 ice cubes
Vanilla creme liquid stevia drops to taste. I usually add 10 drops. (This really brings out the vanilla flavor) 

Then blend on level 2 for a few minutes. Pour into cup or bowl and freeze for at least an hour. Can freeze for up to 6 hours but will have to thaw out before eating. Best after 2 hours in freezer. This is packed with healthy fats and protein! Remember how important it is to feed your muscles even while eating "dessert"...Jes has been eating it in place of almonds for her healthy fat at around her 4th meal. Juliane enjoys it at her 3rd meal around lunch as a Nice treat ...Enjoy!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Interval Training

One of our favorite forms of HIIT training, the ARC TRAINER!

If your goal is to get lean and you're spending an hour a day on the treadmill then you simply aren't working hard enough. No, I don't mean spend more time on it trotting away, I mean work harder in a shorter amount if time. Quick bursts of all out effort at nearly %100 of your max heart rate with rest periods are called intervals. It's a theory known as HIgh Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. It's been proven to burn more calories post exercise than steady state cardio. It also gives your metabolism the kick it needs to start burning fat. So here's what you need to do for HIIT training about 3 times a week. You can use a treadmill or any type of cardio equipment. I prefer the arc trainer or bike because its easier in the joints. Go all out effort for 30 seconds then recover for about a minute. When I say all out I mean sprint your ass off like a lion is chasing you! If you can do it longer than 30 seconds its probably not hard enough. You should raise the incline to at least 10 on the elliptical or treadmill. This will also help lean out your legs. Make sure to warm up then try about 10 rounds and cool down. If you can do this all out HIIT for more than 30 minutes then its more like MIIT (medium intensity) So work your butt off!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fail To Plan...Plan To Fail...

Remember that being healthy is a lifestyle! So when my (Juliane) husband said he wanted to go on a seven day vacation, I set aside a few hours to go shopping and prep some fit food essentials so I know I will have some quick meals on hand and won't be quite as tempted for those boardwalk fries:) It's also cheaper than spending money for every meal and snack. I decided to cook a few banana cream protein pancakes, sweet potatoes, and chicken. I packed lots of whey, casein and egg protein powder, almond milk, and green tea powder to make breakfast and recovery shakes. And of course the easiest to pack are snacks like pistachios, almonds, rice cakes, guacamole, and power pak pudding to keep my sweet tooth in check! I also never leave home without some amino acids and probiotics. 

Yes, I will splurge on vacation because, well that's what vacations are for!... But at least I know I have some healthy eats on hand. Oh, and my suitcase is filled with workout clothes. I purposely change up my workout when I'm away to make it fun and unique! More on that later...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

So You Want A Personal Trainer and Nutritionist?

Check out the lats on that Hott MAMA! (Jessica)
Every woman should be able to do a pull-up! And I know you have it in you!


Ok... So you've seen the evidence and results of what Juliane helped Jessica achieve since she had her baby. It's not magic but there are a lot of secrets that once you figure out, you will be unstoppable and its all through nutrition and exercise. Now it's time for you to start! Yes I said NOW! Stop waiting....ready? ok... Juliane lives in Lancaster County, PA and Jessica lives in Chincoteague VA. So how did Juliane train her and put her on a nutrition plan? Simple, mainly through emails, texts and phone conversations. Yes she had to put in the work, but she was held accountable by a professional. This is the same service I'm offering you. Whether you are a beginner or experienced does not matter. I'm certified to work with all ages and levels. 
It's simple to get started... just send me your current stats, what your goals are, and if you are working on a specific time frame. Also, how much time can you dedicate to working out? Believe it... you don't need to work out three times a day...four hours a week is ideal! I need to know if you have any specific goals in mind like running a 5k or getting stronger legs or lose 10 pounds. I will put you on a personalized plan with workouts and nutrition and change it every 4 weeks. I charge $50 every 4 weeks for training and nutrition, or $35 for just one. There's no time like the present to get started on a better you, and there's nothing more important than your health.

KIK: Julzdanzfit
IG: Julzdanzfit
FaceBook: Juliane Brown Flood

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some Thoughts on the Day of Our First Fitness Photo Shoot

We literally worked our butts off all summer to look like this and the day finally arrived... The first picture is just a sneak peek of our shoot with Melania Marta.  The other pictures are from an iphone after the shoot. There will be lots more to come. We had so much fun training together all summer and cooking and eating clean food. We pushed each other to get our asses to the gym when we'd rather sleep in. We chose chicken breast when the processed sweets were tempting.  We even enjoyed a fun "treat" meal together after the shoot. It was a journey we shared together, but it's not over. Fitness is a lifestyle. It doesn't turn off one day and on the next day. Some days SUCK and some are easy breezy. But nothing is more important than your health and feeling good about yourself. It's worth it to spend the money on a good trainer (Juliane) and healthy foods...better than paying hospital bills for poor health. This look doesn't come easily for either of us... We are both naturally heavy and carry weight in our midsections. But YOU too can change your genetics. Our bodies have learned to love eating nutritious foods and we crave the endorphin rush of an awesome weight lifting session. Believe it or not Juliane used to weigh 180 pounds at 5'5 and 1/2 inches in her early 20s. She also struggled with eating disorders as a teenager. She has finally found peace with herself and her body. Jessica isn't naturally lean either... plus she had a baby about 16 months ago! No one said it was easy, but you only live once and you might as well be healthy (and look good). When Juliane gets up the nerve, she may post some pictures of her heavier days... until then.... enjoy these.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Upper Body Pump Workout!

So tomorrow is our first twin fitness photo shoot. Instead of doing our normal split body part workout we did a lower body circuit workout today hitting every muscle in the lower body with lighter weights and 15 reps. Tomorrow morning before the shoot we are going to do an upper body circuit workout. We will have 5 exercises in each circuit hitting every muscle group. We will do 3 different circuits with 4 sets of 15 reps and no rest. This is a great workout to get a pump and some conditioning in at the same time. If you usually lift heavy and split body parts, it's good to train with circuits a few times a month to get in some conditioning. It's also good to do before competitions to deplete your glycogen so you can carb up the day of the show. The weight should be lighter than usual but still challenging! Email with questions!
Have fun training! 

OHHHH look Jes abs are coming in!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kick Your Workout Into Gear

Sneakers can really make or break your workout! We prefer Nike all the way! Specifically Vomeros and Frees. Vomeros are great for running and doing HIIT while frees are good for lifting because you are closer to the ground, and can really develop those leg and foot muscles. Be careful transitioning to less cushioned shoes, you may get very sore at first because your calf muscles will be working up a storm!

Benefits of vomero-
  • Breathable open-mesh panels on the upper for ventilation
  • Dynamic Fit technology wraps the midfoot and arch from underneath throughout the laces for a glove-like fit and unparalleled comfort
  • Full-length Cushlon midsole for soft yet responsive cushioning and durability
  • Heel and forefoot Nike Zoom units for lightweight, responsive cushioning at heel-strike and toe-off
  • Heel crash pad for impact protection
  • Deep flex grooves and secondary flex grooves within the Waffle outsole segments improve flexibility, durability and a smooth transition

Benefits of frees-
  • Textured mesh full inner sleeve for a dynamic, sock-like fit and easy on and off
  • No-sew and synthetic overlays for lightweight durability and support
  • Asymmetrical lacing system for reduced pressure on the top ridge of the foot
  • Diagonal cuts through the arch to encourage natural motion and help increase foot strength
  • Minimalistic, molded sockliner mimics the foot's curvature for a great fit, enhanced comfort and added support
  • Abrasion-resistant rubber under high-wear areas for enhanced durability
  • Waffle outsole pistons for impact absorption and added responsiveness

Here is a picture of a small part of Juliane's sneaker collection. She's a sneakerhead...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Is strength training cardio??

Short and sweet post today... Yes, ladies! Muscle burns fat! Therefore, if your main goal is to burn fat you should be lifting heavy, not wasting your time doing endless amounts of cardio. Yes, cardio is good for you too, especially your heart because your heart is a muscle. Remember the best kind of cardio is HIIT. Look back in the earlier blogs for info on HIIT. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


treadmill 20 minute intervals
warm up
fast walk 5.0 incline 2 minutes
run 3.0 incline 1 minute
repeat and cool down
3 sets of the following supersets
incline leg press with and legs turned out (2nd position) -10
calf press parallel on incline leg press machine -15
bent leg deadlifts with barbell -10
squat rack pliĆ© squats  -10
single leg squats to knee raises with dumbbells -10 each side
parallel front squats with barbell -10
turned out calf raises on calf machine  -10
leg extension machine 2 sets -10
1 set single leg to failure