Monday, August 26, 2013

Snack on Fat to Burn FAT

We both used to love snacking on pretzels. Next time you go grab a snack bag of pretzels look at the nutrition label. Pretzels contain sugar and are full of empty calories. Nuts are the perfect snack. Our favorites are almonds and unsalted pistachios. Nuts, which are high in fat, do not make you fat- sugar does. This is the reason obesity rates climbed during the fat free craze of the 90s. Companies took out the fat and added in sugar! Your body needs good fats to function properly and stay satiated. A balanced meal should always contain some sort of healthy fat. We like to eat pistachios with dinner Mmmm...While it seems counterintuitive, eating certain types of fat can help your body burn fat.  Monounsaturated fatty acids, burn belly fat, lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of certain diseases.
Nuts contain high levels of monounsaturated fat, which makes them a healthy snack or addition to a meal. The FDA recommends choosing nuts high in monounsaturated fat and low in saturated fat to reap the benefits.

People usually eat nuts on their own, or by the handful, which can be a dangerous practice. Keep portions small and avoid mindless eating:

  • Pre-portion nuts in small bags -- a great snack to take on the go or to the office.
  • Choose nuts in the shell; you will probably eat fewer since it takes time to crack them.
  • Take a handful and put the package away before you start munching.
  • Sprinkle nuts on a soup or salad instead of croutons or cheese.
  • Snack on nuts instead of pretzels or chips.
  • Top yogurt with nuts instead of granola. 

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