Friday, August 16, 2013

Fail To Plan...Plan To Fail...

Remember that being healthy is a lifestyle! So when my (Juliane) husband said he wanted to go on a seven day vacation, I set aside a few hours to go shopping and prep some fit food essentials so I know I will have some quick meals on hand and won't be quite as tempted for those boardwalk fries:) It's also cheaper than spending money for every meal and snack. I decided to cook a few banana cream protein pancakes, sweet potatoes, and chicken. I packed lots of whey, casein and egg protein powder, almond milk, and green tea powder to make breakfast and recovery shakes. And of course the easiest to pack are snacks like pistachios, almonds, rice cakes, guacamole, and power pak pudding to keep my sweet tooth in check! I also never leave home without some amino acids and probiotics. 

Yes, I will splurge on vacation because, well that's what vacations are for!... But at least I know I have some healthy eats on hand. Oh, and my suitcase is filled with workout clothes. I purposely change up my workout when I'm away to make it fun and unique! More on that later...

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